G7 compliance from Hiroshima to Apulia
G7 Summit

G7 compliance from Hiroshima to Apulia

The interim compliance score from the 2023 Hiroshima Summit promises a high final compliance score, and the G7 can boost this further with a focus on issues such as health, gender, and labour and employment

G7 leaders last met for their regular summit in May 2023 in Hiroshima, where they made 653 commitments on a variety of issues responding to the most pressing challenges facing the international community. That included strengthening international cooperation within the G7 and with external partners, as diplomatic relations faced the joint challenges of war, economic uncertainty and environmental degradation. As the G7 leaders gather again in Apulia, they will build on this past work.

At Hiroshima, there was a focus on regional security. G7 leaders recognised the need to protect countries’ sovereignty in light of the war against Ukraine, as well as the combined socio-political challenges affecting the global economy due to the ramifications of Russia’s invasion. As such, 10% of Hiroshima’s commitments were on regional security. Leaders also made commitments on energy production (13% of total commitments) and food security (12%), following the global crisis that emerged from weakened supply chains due to the war.

Another emphasis at Hiroshima was the triple planetary crisis of biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution. Of all the commitments, 8% were on climate change and 7% on the environment. Moreover, with the summit located at the site of the world’s worst nuclear devastation, leaders paid particular attention to the need for nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear safety, with 4% of commitments.

The G7 Research Group selected 20 priority commitments from the 653 made at the summit to monitor for compliance. This selection was based on the proportion of commitments by subject made at Hiroshima. Two commitments were selected for each subject with the most commitments: energy, regional security, food and agriculture, and climate change. One was selected for each of the remaining key subjects of nuclear non-proliferation, environment, health, human rights, education, gender equality, labour and employment, digital economy, macroeconomics, crime and corruption, development, and trade.

Interim compliance

These 20 commitments were monitored for compliant actions taken beginning the day the Hiroshima Summit ended, on 21 May 2023, until 3 December 2023, halfway to the G7 Apulia Summit, to produce the interim compliance report. Monitoring has continued in order to produce the final report, to be published closer to the Apulia Summit, and cover the full period between the two summits.

By 3 December, average compliance was 91%. Compared to previous years, this was up 6% from the interim score of 85% for both the 2022 Elmau and the 2021 Cornwall summits. The 2023 interim score is also higher than the 90% final compliance score achieved for both Elmau and Cornwall.

By subject, G7 members achieved full compliance (100%) on eight commitments: on emissions reductions policy, official development assistance, education, clean energy technologies and hydrogen markets, food safety and sustainable production, macroeconomics, and non-proliferation.

They were followed closely by five commitments each averaging 94%: on the digital economy, environmental conservation, healthy and safe diets, life expectancy and population decline, and sanctions against Russia and its allies.

Towards the middle, four commitments each averaged 81%: domestic climate mitigation measures, gender equality in the labour market, security assistance for Ukraine and resilient global supply chains.

Three commitments each received the lowest interim score of 75%: fighting the proliferation of synthetic drugs, combatting forced labour and creating jobs.

By member, the United States received the highest score of 98%, followed by France at 95%. Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the European Union followed closely at 93% each. This year’s host, Italy, as well as last year’s host, Japan, both had a score of 83%.


Italy’s presidency has identified, as a key pillar for the Apulia Summit, the need to provide development assistance for developing countries for environmental protection, with a particular focus on Africa. This indicates a general trend towards increased action on development and social issues, also indicated by the full compliance with Hiroshima’s commitments on official development assistance, educational access, and food safety and production. It is thus likely that compliance will increase for the environmental and climate change commitments, as well as those on safe and healthy diets and improved life expectancy.

As was the case for Japan’s 2023 presidency, Italy has also emphasised digital safety as important. The commitment on the digital ecosystem with trust, which already has a high compliance score, will likely also increase as concerns related to authoritarian breaches of confidential data rise.

Hiroshima’s interim score – much higher than for previous summits – promises a final compliance score that is also higher than in the past. In the final months before the Apulia Summit, the G7 should adhere to the social commitments made last year, as members have already complied more with commitments related to the economy and security. Focusing on commitments on other issues, such as health, gender, and labour and employment, will result in higher final compliance.