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G7 Summit

G7 performance on health

  • Hélène Emorine
  • Jun 07, 2024

Health has long featured on the G7’s agenda and compliance has been higher than average – but there is still room for improvement, and there…

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G7 Summit

Fertile soil for food security

  • Cindy McCain
  • Jun 07, 2024

Food security is a vital investment, but development funding is failing to keep pace with surging hunger in many parts of the world. With Italy…

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G7 Summit

Peacekeeping is an investment

  • Filippo Grandi
  • Jun 07, 2024

The institutions created after the Second World War to keep the peace are not functioning, and if divisions are not reversed, the number of refugees…

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G7 Summit

Leadership and moral courage

  • Sanam Vakil
  • Jun 07, 2024

Protecting Palestinians from further disaster and paving the way to recognising a Palestinian state requires a coordinated, unified, multilateral position from the G7 – and…

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G7 Summit

G7 performance on development

  • Sonja Dobson
  • Jun 07, 2024

As host of this year’s G7 summit, Italy is prioritising engagement with Africa. But with historically low compliance on its development commitments, Italy needs to…

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G7 Summit

Invest in the future and the present will look less bleak

  • Alvaro Lario
  • Jun 07, 2024

Investment underpinned by sound policies and programmes can turn around even the worst situations and transform lives – and, with support, the world’s most vulnerable countries…

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G7 Summit

Trust in customs

  • Ian Saunders
  • Jun 07, 2024

Trust is a major challenge facing the global trading community, but the World Customs Organization is committed to fostering confidence in customs, ensuring its members…

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G7 Summit

The right to peace

  • Volker Turk
  • Jun 07, 2024

Around the world, senseless violence is destroying lives. As the G7 leaders discuss these conflicts, the people and the profound harm that is being done…

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